I was born May 5th, 1955. I’ve had a great life growing up in a nurturing small Kansas farm town and eventually moved to San Diego. I like to say I was a kid in Kansas and became an adult in San Diego. I’m now a commercial photographer based in San Diego with a great wife and three grown kids. Even as they grew up, I was consumed with photography. I always wanted to be where the action was to shoot and document it all. And I did what I could. The Super Bowl twice, World Series, All Star games, Rose Bowl, Holiday Bowl and the America’s Cup just to name a few of the biggies. So then it happened……
Payton Jo Rohrer was born July 3rd, 2007 to my daughter Tiffany and her hubby Chris, aka “Dough”. I was asked to be in the labor room with them until the doctor came in and kicked me out. I was overwhelmed when I saw her for the first time. Even though she was my grand daughter I didn’t realize you could be attached emotionally to someone else’s child like I was with her. Wow….. almost like when her mom was born. While I was staying with them in Arizona for the next few days I started questioning whether I’d been around enough for my daughter and her sibs as they grew up. Tiffany so tactfully said that “I was there when she needed me”. I still wonder. So I now strive to find that balance. I don’t want to miss more of my family growing up, any of them.
I really am trying to find that balance. I’ve started to market more for architectural work. Maybe if I go and look for the work instead of waiting for it I can spend less wasted time at the office. Don’t get me wrong. If anything I feel more passionate about my work and feel after all these years that I finally know what my “style and vision” is. More on that later.
So, enough for a first entry. I hope to use this blog to share a little of my life, travels, my photography and family including the dogs and cats. I’ve never kept a journal before so this adventure could get rocky. I hope you enjoy it.
My other work can be viewed at: www.zwink.com