Category Archives: black and white


Are you still scoring?

Well…… the first quarter of the year is over and it’s time.  Time to do spring cleaning, pay quarterly taxes and review and finishing your yearly taxes.  Missing anything?  How about your NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS????

Did you make any resolutions for 2011?  Do you remember them?  Seriously.  For once I actually decided to follow through on them.  My office is getting cleaner, my marketing is exploding and I’ve made some great images for my current and new clients.  All were part of my new goals for the year.  Experts will tell you to write them down so you can refer to them and have a statement to be accountable for.  Sort of like a yearly business plan.  But it has to be fluid for those new opportunities.

Now if only I can loose weight……

Techy stuff:  Archived images of the San Diego Sockers originally shot on 35mm film and scanned on an Epson flatbed scanner and adjusted in Photoshop5.  More of my work can be seen at:

5 Things to do with old photos in your Garage

So…… you have some extra time and you decide to go through old images.  You go into the garage and there is a stack of boxes that you swore you’d edit, file or throw away.  This can also apply to you art directors, pr people or ad agencies with a lot of  prints from old projects.  Now before anyone yells at me you non photogs make sure you have permission or the right to use them.  So make some time and take another look at what was once some great work.  Here’s my list of 5 things to do with the photos.  I hope you’ll add to the list as I need some other great ideas to repurpose these images.
  1. Send a copy of the print to the subject, even if a lot of time has passed.  At the least you’ll make someone’s day, at best you may make a new client.
  2. Scan and archive your better images.  It’s good to see where you’ve been, how you’ve progressed.  You may even end up with a new portfolio or gallery you can share.
  3. Make Art….. be creative.  Create collages, decoupage an old table top , put old slides inside a clear lamp to remind your self of the “old days”.  Wallpaper your garage with old prints.
  4. Maybe you have enough prints for an exhibit in a coffee bar, hair salon or bar.  Might be great tradeout potential if they don’t have a budget for art.
  5. Scan your best archives, categorize them and see if you may have a body of work for a historical archive.  Wouldn’t that be cool if future generations could see your work?
  6. Take old proofs or small prints, jazz them up in small frames or matteboard and give them to friends or clients.  Let them know you appreciate them.  DARN….. I went past five.  Ok, your turn.  Share your ideas.  I have a lot of files to go through…..


The photos above are two of a series of 16×20 prints from my old studio, now in my garage.

More of my work can be seen at: or go check out some of my cool editorial work at:

The King and Lucille

The King and Lucille

I love looking at old shoots I have done.  My career so far has been in the newspaper industry, the sports world and now in the corporate and architectural realm.  I, like so many of my counterparts, have covered a myriad of events that have helped shaped my career and myself as a person.

Music is one of  the sources of enjoyment, enrichment and creativity that is part of our daily lives.  It is the stories real or unreal of our daily live that the musicians have created to share  with  us.  It evokes emotion.

One of the finest bluesmen ever is B.B. King.  I had the honor of photographing him when he was 79 years old during a concert and meet and great afterward.  What a treat.  The music was great.  In fact, I left there wondering as good as the show was how good he must have been  30, 40 or 50 years ago when he was in much better health.  Or……. is music, like photography, like good wine, better with age?  Nothing beats experience and passion, they just enrich  our lives.

After the show I had to take meet and greet photos of the VIPs with The King and Lucille.  After finishing B.B. looked over at me and smiled and asked “Would you like a picture with The King and Lucille?”  I’ll never forget that.

*** the techy stuff.  Shot with a Nikon D2X, iso 1600.  Image processed in Lightroom with personal presets ***

My other work can be viewed at:

Impact Black and White

I was testing the new beta version of Lightroom 3 and decided to play with some old images.  To my surprise the presets that I’d made in my other Lightroom 2 copy were included following the installation.  One of the presets is one that I’ve used to make a hi pass filter image that starts with a dark over saturated image and ends up with a high contrast color image.  So, I selected an image of DeAngelo Williams of the Carolina Panthers that I’d shot for Donruss Trading Cards.  After applying the preset I backed off the recovery and brightness sliders in LR3 to make it brighter and contrasty.  I then added sharpening in Lightroom to add snap to the highlights on the skin and football.  This gave me a final custom black and white image with it’s own character.

Although this was just a test image I can see making a small portfolio of these portraits in black and white.  My initial impression of Lightroom 3 is very favorable.  Normally I like to just discover new changes in the programs but this time I watched the videos that Adobe made.  Each new version of Lightroom has been a significant improvement and I don’t see Adobe falling short on this one too.  I’ll be watching the changes on the beta and anxious for it’s actually delivery.

My other work can be viewed at:

More photos of my NFL portrait collection can be viewed at: