Are you still scoring?

Well…… the first quarter of the year is over and it’s time.  Time to do spring cleaning, pay quarterly taxes and review and finishing your yearly taxes.  Missing anything?  How about your NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS????

Did you make any resolutions for 2011?  Do you remember them?  Seriously.  For once I actually decided to follow through on them.  My office is getting cleaner, my marketing is exploding and I’ve made some great images for my current and new clients.  All were part of my new goals for the year.  Experts will tell you to write them down so you can refer to them and have a statement to be accountable for.  Sort of like a yearly business plan.  But it has to be fluid for those new opportunities.

Now if only I can loose weight……

Techy stuff:  Archived images of the San Diego Sockers originally shot on 35mm film and scanned on an Epson flatbed scanner and adjusted in Photoshop5.  More of my work can be seen at:  www.zwink.com

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